
van Hattum

Sustainability Specialist at the Green Protein Alliance

Jessie van Hattum is passionate about driving change in sustainability. With a background in Industrial Ecology and Science Communication, she worked on transformation at Albert Heijn, a Dutch retail giant, focusing on building a sustainable food system.Now, as a pioneering force at the Green Protein Alliance, she has developed a methodology for retailers to measure their protein split. Simultaneously, she helps companies with sustainability storytelling via illustrations and also uses her communication skills as a moderator at sustainability meetups. Jessie's passion for sustainability storytelling is a common thread in her work, propelling her to ask crucial questions and inspire sustainable change.

My Session

My Sessions

Virtual New Food Conference, 
New Food Conference Cologne, 
Virtual New Food Invest, 
Day 1
10:55 am
11:45 am
Retailer’s Best Practice: implementing plant-based alternatives in off-and online retail
Challenges, demands, collaborations and technologies
Virtual New Food Invest, 
Virtual New Food Conference, 
New Food Conference Cologne, 
Virtual New Food Invest, 
Virtual New Food Conference, 
New Food Conference Cologne, 
Virtual New Food Invest, 
Virtual New Food Conference, 
New Food Conference Cologne, 